Because of falling projections for hospitalizations and death for COVID-19, Senator Orr calls to begin process of opening State sooner than later. “People are hurting. Government discriminating against small business in shutdown.” Written on April 15, 2020. Source:
Because of falling projections for hospitalizations and death for COVID-19, Senator Orr calls to begin process of opening State sooner than later. “People are hurting. Government discriminating against small business in shutdown.” Written on April 15, 2020. Source:–569608371.html
Senator Orr calls for sooner rather than later step down in shelter in place restrictions. Says economy being destroyed by government restrictions that should be more precise rather than overly broad. Written on April 14, 2020. Source:
Senator Orr calls for sooner rather than later step down in shelter in place restrictions. Says economy being destroyed by government restrictions that should be more precise rather than overly broad. Written on April 14, 2020. Source:
Senator Orr calls for sooner rather than later step down in shelter in place restrictions. Says economy being destroyed by government restrictions that should be more precise rather than overly broad. Written on April 14, 2020. Source:
Decatur Daily editorial expresses need for 5G statewide Written on March 31, 2020. Source:
Senator Orr proposes bill to shield businesses from coronavirus lawsuits Written on March 30, 2020. Source:
Senator Orr expresses concern about lack of economic analysis in coronavirus decisions Written on March 30, 2020. Source:
Senator Orr expresses concern about lack of economic analysis in coronavirus decisions Written on March 30, 2020. Source:
Yellowhammer Editorial cites Senator Orr’s concerns about government decisions wrecking economy and small businesses Written on March 30, 2020. Source: