Senator Orr puts funds to evaluate State Department of Education in 2020 budget. Need to know department is functioning as best it can. Written on October 7, 2019. Source:
Decatur Daily supports Senator Orr’s Evaluation Commission goals of more accountable and efficient government Written on October 2, 2019. Source:
Senator Orr pushes for internet sales taxes to be directed to local schools Written on September 26, 2019. Source:
Senator Orr appointed to Commission to gain efficiency and accountability in State government Written on September 26, 2019. Source:
Senator Orr brings state Scenic River Trail to Flint Creek to improve quality of life Written on September 23, 2019. Source:
Senator Orr pushes accountability and efficiency for State education system Written on September 12, 2019. Source:
Senator Orr and Representative Stadthagen assist with downtown Hartselle revitalization efforts Written on September 9, 2019. Source:
Senator Orr successfully lobbies for grant funds to improve U.S. 31 safety and appearance in Decatur Written on September 9, 2019. Source:
Senator Orr and Representative Stadthagen present commendations to firefighters in Hartselle Written on September 9, 2019. Source:
Senator Orr supports redrawing county lines to reflect equal population districts for county commission elections Written on September 9, 2019. Source: